Social Media and Social Disharmony!

This is a comprehensive view of how businesses are meeting their DEI commitments in the battle against racism. Showcasing actions taken, moving beyond lip service!

Funding and online event jamborees aside, there is the social canvas that businesses and their staff throng with rich DEI messaging.

The social media serve as a great leveller, with size or stature / power hardly a factor. That’s digital marketing of an enormous scale! There is no better place than the social media to promote social harmony! Every firm and individual can enter the free space and promote causes dear to them.

It is a pity that seeds of disharmony and social harm are also sown there by bigots.

Some clichéd sayings come to mind – what is sauce for the goose must be sauce for the gander too!

Well, all kinds of -isms thrive in this complicated world – racism, majoritarianism, communalism, ageism, terrorism…! There is no place for any of that in any society, so every effort to promote equity counts!

They are issues that happen in APAC as well, but without the kind of focus they get elsewhere.

G Joslin Vethakumar

#racism #dei

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