AI, the Bigg Boss!

Why not let AI be the boss and call the shots?

This piece in The Sunday Times Singapore today swings from funny and tongue in cheek in one streak to absurd in another.

The writer says jobs in graphic arts and call centre service are the most affected by bots (mostly true) because the consequences of “screwing up” (not acceptable usage, to me) are negligible.

I am sure a trained bot will not allow this kind of language, making a case for AI!

It still made me laugh, so a nice start to the week on Father’s Day.  One thought, though not made seriously, is interesting, for all it’s worth – why not let AI be the boss and eliminate biases that human leadership is known for.

If it can eliminate all individual prejudices in hiring, recognitions and promotions, that will serve businesses well by prioritising meritocracy and reining in mediocrity.
Take the message, ignore the gleeps and gloops (these appear to be from the American cartoon series, The Humanoid, so fairly relevant) and schwinschwangs in the blurb here – never heard of these expressions before! 

This aligns with a thought I had expressed in one of my posts here sometime ago – will people be ready to let bots emerge as PMs and Presidents?

Happy Father’s Day!

G Joslin Vethakumar

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