Game Over for OPS, but it is Advantage DMK!

Late Tamil Nadu chief minister Jayalalitha’s trusted lieutenant O Panneerselvam (OPS) has shamed himself by not walking out when his demand for a secret vote was rejected by the Assembly Speaker this afternoon.

A commonsense-based walkout will have saved himself the embarrassment of a 122-11 humiliation. If he had imagined that some MLAs from the opposite camp would go with him in an open vote then that can only dismissed as sheer folly.

Tamil Nadu is now going to be ruled by the Mannargudi Mafia remote-controlled by Sasikala who is now in jail after being convicted by the Supreme Court recently.

The State will have to brace up for some ferment – that is, if the people have any sense of self-respect and shame!

The voting has been won by keeping MLAs hostage. But the Government cannot be allowed to be run through fraud.

Whether one likes it or not, it is the DMK that has emerged strong out of it all by projecting itself as representing the will of the people.

Interestingly, this is something Anand Narasimhan and Times Now took upon themselves- that it is they who are out to protect the people of Tamil Nadu! This kind of jokes coming from journalists is nothing unusual for India.

G Joslin Vethakumar 

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